Friday, January 6, 2023

The Benefits of Companion Planting Vegetables With Chart


The Benefits of Companion Planting Vegetables

Companion planting is a gardening technique that involves planting different types of vegetables in close proximity to one another in order to benefit their growth and productivity. This method can help to naturally deter pests, improve soil health, and maximize the use of space in the garden.

Creating a Balanced Ecosystem

One of the key benefits of companion planting is that it allows for the creation of a diverse and balanced ecosystem within the garden. Different vegetables have different nutritional requirements and can help to enrich the soil for their companion plants. For example, legumes such as beans and peas have the ability to fix nitrogen from the air and add it to the soil, making it more fertile for other plants.

Natural Pest Control

Another benefit of companion planting is that it can help to naturally deter pests. Some vegetables emit chemicals that repel certain pests, while others attract beneficial insects that can help to control pest populations. For example, planting basil near tomatoes can help to repel hornworms, while planting marigolds near vegetables can help to deter nematodes.

Maximizing Space

In addition to these benefits, companion planting can also help to maximize the use of space in the garden. By planting taller and climbing plants alongside shorter plants, gardeners can make the most of their vertical space and increase the overall productivity of their garden.

Examples of Companion Planting Combinations

So, what are some good combinations for companion planting vegetables? Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • Planting tomatoes and basil together can help to improve the flavor and growth of both plants. Basil can also help to deter pests such as hornworms and flies.
  • Planting beans and corn together can create a mutually beneficial relationship. The beans can fix nitrogen in the soil, which can be used by the corn, and the corn can provide support for the beans to climb.
  • Planting carrots and lettuce together can help to deter carrot flies, which are attracted to the scent of carrots. Lettuce has a mild scent and can help to mask the smell of the carrots, helping to keep pests at bay.
  • Planting onions and tomatoes together can help to deter pests such as slugs and aphids. Onions emit a chemical that can help to repel these pests, making them less likely to infest the tomato plants.

As with any gardening technique, it's important to do your research and experiment to see what works best in your specific location and climate. The above combinations are just a starting point and you may find that different vegetables work well together in your garden.


Overall, companion planting is a simple and effective way to improve the health and productivity of your vegetable garden. By creating a diverse and balanced ecosystem, you can naturally deter pests, improve soil health, and maximize the use of space in your garden. So why not give it a try and see what works best for you?

Vegetable Good Companions Bad Companions
Asparagus Tomatoes, parsley, basil Onion, garlic
Beans Carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, squash Onions, garlic, fennel
Beets Bush beans, lettuce, onions, kohlrabi Pole beans
Cabbage Beets, onions, potatoes, tomatoes Strawberries
Carrots Lettuce, onions, peas, tomatoes Dill
Corn Beans, peas, pumpkins, squash Tomatoes
Cucumbers Beans, peas, radishes, sunflowers Aromatic herbs
Eggplant Beans, peas, peppers, tomatoes Potato
Lettuce Carrots, radishes, strawberries Brussels sprouts
Onions Beets, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes Peas, beans
Peas Carrots, corn, cucumbers, radishes Onions, garlic
Peppers Eggplant, tomatoes Basil
Potatoes Beans, corn, peas, squash Eggplant
Squash Corn, beans, peas, radishes Potatoes
Tomatoes Asparagus, carrots

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